Why You Should Drink Tenzo Matcha

Coffee is the third most popular drink in the world after water and tea. And Americans rank number one in coffee consumption - averaging around 400 million cups a day! Coffee isn't the only beverage designed to perk you up in the morning, though. Introducing: Matcha!

Matcha is a type of green tea, and it's one of our favorite alternatives when we are looking for a morning pick-me-up. Tenzo Matcha Tea is legendary when it comes to taste, functionality, and benefits. We tried it and cannot stop raving about it. It is organic, long-lasting, and gives you that boost of energy you need to start your day off on the right foot.

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a green tea that has been ground into a powder. Typically the powder is whisked into hot water, but it can also be blended with hot milk to create a matcha latte. The tea leaves used to create matcha are grown in the shade rather than the sun. This unique growing process helps to preserve the rich flavor of the tea. The leaves are handpicked and dried, then ground into a powder ready for you to enjoy with breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

What Makes Tenzo Better Than Other Brands?

Tenzo's mission as a brand is to bring happiness and health to the world. It started when two friends first discovered matcha and its many health benefits. They started Tenzo and worked with a Japanese tea master to create the product they offer today.

Tenzo matcha is certified organic and of ceremonial quality. It's crafted with the highest standard of leaves for maximum flavor and nutrients. Tenzo matcha provides the much sought-after caffeine boost only without the side effects of coffee. Matcha uses clean, green caffeine and leaves you with a clear head, ready to take on the day.

Health Benefits of Tenzo Matcha Tea

Green tea has always been praised as a drink full of health benefits. Since matcha is ground green tea, it has those same benefits plus more! You lose a lot of nutrients and other benefits when you steep tea because you throw the leaves away. You are actually drinking the leaves when you consume matcha. The leaves of green tea provide necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as powerful antioxidants that help protect you from cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and symptoms of aging.


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